
Marco Doria


My name is Marco Doria, I living in Lucca Italy and I flying from 12 years old. I joined in the OMG PILOT team

from 2019 and used the OMG servos to compete from 2020 with following results:

--- 2020 IMAC Italian Champion in Basic Class

--- 2020 Lucca Aerotraino Cup with semiscale glider 3°Place

--- 2021 IMAC Italian Champioship finish in 3°Place with :

- 4° Place in Parma round

- 3° Place in Lucca round

--- 2021 Lucca Arotraino Cup with semiscale glider 3°Place

--- 2022 F3A-X Italian champioship finish in 3°Place

--- 2022 IMAC Italian Champioship finish with 3°Place with:

- 2° Place in Parma round

- 2° Place in Siena round
